Dog Training & Behaviour consultations
Dog-Sitting/ pop-ins/ walks
Group classes
Bringing a new puppy home is such an exciting time! There is so much we can do to get started with training from the very moment your new puppy enters your home.
In those first weeks I very much believe it should all be about fun fun fun and building that relationship, whilst also spending the time getting to know your new family member. It isn't so much about teaching those specific behaviours such as 'sit', 'down', 'wait' etc. but more about giving your puppy the confidence to make their own choices and explore the world at their own pace. In those early days that is far more important than anything else.
There is so much pressure when you get a new puppy to teach them everything as fast as possible, to get the socialisation absolutely right and to also show off your puppy to the world. The biggest advice I give everyone is take the pressure off! We can very easily over-socialise a puppy if we do not take the time to get to know them first. This can cause fear issues further down the line. We can also focus too much on what we are 'supposed' to be doing when actually, there are no set rules here. Puppy training is all about tailoring what we do to each specific puppy and that's it.
Everyone in the dog world has an opinion! It can be so overwhelming trying to work out what is right/ wrong whilst also trying to raise this new puppy. I am here to help you through that, to guide you on this journey and to help give clarity on your journey. There is a lot of conflicting advice out there, it can be really easy to be sucked into quick fixes!
But our puppies are just babies. It's okay to just let them be puppies and enjoy puppyhood. We can still teach them important skills whilst we do that. But most importantly, there is absolutely no rush!​
If you would like to start your puppy training journey with me please get in touch....